
Core elements of the Genetics training program

1. Genetics methods and technology
Advanced expertise in the methods and the associated technologies used in different types of genetic research.

2. Quantitative and computational skills
Advanced skills in quantitative, computational, and statistical methods needed to acquire information through experiments and shared databases, manage intensive data output from modern genetic research methods, and extract meaningful knowledge.

3. Experimental design
Advanced understanding of experimental designs that produce data that can withstand rigorous statistical interpretation.

4. Responsible conduct of research
Thorough and sophisticated understanding of the ethical practice of science and methods for improving reproducibility.

5. Professionalism
Ability to manage one’s work flow, responsibilities, and work/life balance while remaining aware of both unconscious bias and the value of a diverse community.

6. Leadership
Ability to manage others and the skill to work collaboratively in a team, fostering inclusiveness, and give the team ownership of a project’s direction and output

7. Communication
Ability to communicate fluently, persuasively, and engagingly in multiple modes to both specialist and general audiences.

8. Career awareness and skill development
Acquisition of the necessary knowledge and professional skills to transition successfully to the workplace.